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maquette stream
stream |
Rue du Grand-Pré 2 | 1211 | Geneva | Switzerland
| 21.09.2011 - 07.10.2011

Project resources

List of resources matching the selected criteria. You can adjust them at the bottom of this page.
Resource State Type Start End Owner(s) Value
baking paper completed material 10.08.2011 20.08.2011 3.64 %
scotch double-side completed material 29.08.2011 29.08.2011 15.68 %
aluminium tubing completed material 10.08.2011 12.08.2011 20.91 %
black HP printing ink completed material 10.09.2011 12.09.2011 6.75 %
rivets, drill bits, and other hardware completed material 20.08.2011 24.08.2011 21.13 %
black & white films completed material 06.06.2011 08.06.2011 2.78 %
Honeycomb cardboard completed material 25.05.2011 21.09.2011 20.78 %
glue completed material 25.05.2011 21.09.2011 1.38 %
paper completed material 12.09.2011 21.09.2011 6.95 %
Total 100.0 %

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