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platane racines
Place Perdtemps | 1260 | Nyon | Switzerland
| 05.08.2007 - 15.08.2015

Racines V1

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Short description

Hollow scaffolding walls covered with white translucent veil spread like roots into the four directions. Light casts shadows of movements as people walk through or within the passways just wide enough to invite their presence.

Place Perdtemps | roman time = a necropole.

Perdtemps | the origin of the name is to be researched

Surrounded by trees | branches and roots.

Parking | traces and partitions, rythms and movements.

Roots | origins, memories ... is the nature of labyrinth of the journey or of the walls we erect in our wanderings.

Light | forseing a way through these ephemeral walls.

Pour la version française du texte, voir la brochure en format pdf.


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General information
Project state: waiting for resources
Project code: 001
Location: Place Perdtemps | 1260 | Nyon | Switzerland
Project dates: 05.08.2007 to 15.08.2015
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