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About Resources

Just like pieces of a puzzle

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Projects are expressed in terms of resources needed to be realized, just like pieces of a puzzle. Resources can be material, human resource, financial or logistic.

| Materials

Materials are for example the bamboo and the fabric needed to construct the installation RACINES.

Depending on the nature of the project, the materials needed will sometimes be new, other times used. Materials that are either recycled, second-hand, written-off, or even disgarded will be therefore considered. Materials are all recycled after an installation.

| Human resources

Human resources are all the people's competences, skills, labor force needed to develop and realize an installation. The installation RACINES for example, needs a scaffolding construction team, monitors to welcome the public, or a photograph. When registering for a human resource, one can choose for how much time, when, and in what role one is available.

| Logistic

Installation art projects are site-specific, indoors or outdoors. Propositions for spaces to create installations are needed. Temporary spaces to build structural elements, to store materials, for office work or meetings are also needed on each new project location. Spaces in transition are particularly appreciated.

Transport of materials and people will be required also.

| Financial

Funds in the form of grants, sponsoring, donations will help make projects possible. To become an active participant is a real opportunity. Sponsors donating funds, materials, or services for example, gain local, national, and international visibility to the public at large, as well as tax deductions and enhanced company image.

Benefactors build the edifice brick by brick with their support. The bamboo poles supported by benefactors of the installation RACINES for example are marked with their names and with the seal of the installation.

Material donations, project-specific  or not, volunteers, service barter, equipments, funds are all welcome. All donations are used for installation art projects.

All funds are invested in installation art projects.

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